The pages are p. 1-128 it have ch. 1-12 and the bottom is fun stuff on ch. 10 and drawing. I like this good book and it writing by Dav Pilkey and pictures by Martin Ontiveros. If you want to check out this book go to the library and pick it up.
Ricky Ricotta was playing with his Mighty Robot were playing cops and robbers in their yard. Then his mother can outside. He was going to his cousin Lucy's house for lunch. He doesn't like his Uncle Freddie and Auntie Ethel. Then in chapter 3 said more than 750 million miles away, there was a polluted planet called Saturn, which was overrun with stupid, smelly stinkbugs. Every night when he was through watching his favorite shows, he tossed his TV out the window. And every morning when he was finished sleeping in his bed...well, you get the idea. In chapter 4 said he sees Lucy to get her precious rubies.
Suddenly, Sergeant Stinkbug showed up. He lowered the Automatic Snatcher Arm on his Attack Pod and grabbed Lucy. In chapter 6 they saved her and the crown. In chapter 7 said Sergeant Stinkbug reached into a bag and grabbed two round gumballs. "My Grow-Big Gumballs should do the trick," laughed the evil Sergeant. "Here you go, my uglies!" He threw the gumballs into the Warrior Stinkbugs' mouths. The grew bigger and attacked Ricky's Robot in chapter 9 Ricky popped six gumballs into his mouth, then chewed and chewed...and grew and grew and grew!
They save the day. In chapter 10 when you see in the fun stuff on the bottom. You can see what they do. In chapter 11 Lucy eat gumballs she grew and she throw tossed the mangled spaceship all the way back to Saturn. In chapter 12 Fudgie and Waffles found a bag of Super-Shrinking Saltwater Taffy inside Sergeant Stinkbug's Attack Pod. They gave the bag to Ricky's Robot, and he fed it to Ricky and Lucy. Soon, the two cousins had shrunk back to their normal sizes. Together, the six friends flew Sergeant Stinkbug to the Squeakyville Jail.
Long story short they gave them some pie and they want to know what happened. The author and pictures biography said "Dav Pilkey created his first stories as comic books while he was in elementary school. In 1997, he wrote and illustrated his first advennture novel for children, The Adventures of Captain Underpants, which received rave reviews and was an instant bestseller-as were all the books that followed in the series. Dav is also the creator of numerous award-winning picture books, including The Paperboy, a Caldecott Honor Book, and the Dumb Bunnies books. He and his dog live in Eugene, Oregon. It was a stroke of luck when Dav discovered the work of artist Martin Ontiveros. Dav knew that Martin was just the right illustrator for the Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot series. Martin has loved drawing since he was a kid. He lives in Portland, Oregon. He has a lot of toys, which he shares with his young son, Felix." To go to the website is http://www.pilkey.com and http://scholastic.com/titles/rickyricotta/index.htm