The pages are p. 1-124 it have ch. 1-20 and the bottom is fun stuff on ch. 3 and ch. 16. I like this good book and it an epic novel by Dav Pilkey. If you want to check out this book go to the library and pick it up.
Meet George Beard and Harold Hutchins. George is the kid on the left with the tie and the flat-top. Harold is the one on the right with the T-shirt and the bad haircut. Remember that now. George and Harold were best friends. They had a lot in common. They lived right next door to each other and they were both in the same fourth-grade class at Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. George and Harold were usually responsible kids.
Whenever anything bad happened, George and Harold were usually responsible. But don't get the wrong idea about these two. George and Harold were actually very nice boys. No matter what everybody else thought, they were good, sweet, and lovable.... Well, OK, maybe they weren't so sweet and lovable, but they were good nonetheless. In chapter 2 said they made a company making comics is Tree House Comix, Inc. Luckily for the boys, the secretary at Jerome Horwitz Elementary School was much too busy to keep an eye on the copy machine. So whenever they got a chance, Harold and George would sneak into the office and run off several hundred copies of their latest Captain Underpants adventure. After school, they sold their homemade comics on the playground for 50 cent each.
Long story short they made the principal captain underpants. The author biography said "When Dav Pilkey was in elementary school, he was always getting into trouble for pulling pranks, cracking jokes, and making silly comic books. In second grade, he invented his most famous (or infamous) character, CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS! Dav's teacher told him, "You'd better straighten up, young man, because you can't spend the rest of your life making silly books." Dav was not a very good listener! He like George and Harold, created his first stories as comic books while still in elementary school. Since that time, he has written and illustrated numerous award-winning books for children including The Paperboy, a 1997 Caldecott Honor Book. His humorous titles include The Hallo-Wiener, Dog Breath, Kat Kong and Dogzilla, 'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving, and the Dragon beginning-reader series. In addition, he collaborated with Sue Denim on the IRA-CBC Children's Choice Award-winning Dumb Bunnies books. Dav and his pets live in Eugene, Oregon." In book 1 in September 1997. To go to the website is http://www.pilkey.com and http://www.scholastic.com/captainunderpants/

you should come to langston chapel because i would be honored if you would come i also was wondering if i could get all of the captain underpants novel as a gift from you i would be honored
ReplyDeleteCaptain Underpants should end right now because it had its run.