The pages are p. 1-128 it have ch. 1-15 and the bottom is fun stuff on ch. 13 and drawing. I like this good book and it writing by Dav Pilkey and pictures by Martin Ontiveros. If you want to check out this book go to the library and pick it up.
It was supper time at the Ricotta home. Ricky's father was sitting at the table. Ricky's mother was sitting at the table. But Ricky was not sitting at the table. And neither was his giant robot. It is six o'clock and they are late for supper again. They were in Hawaii collecting seashells. They wasn't going to watch TV.
In chapter 2 they have go to bed early. In chapter 3 at that very moment, almost twenty-five million miles away, there lived an evil vulture on the planet Venus. His name was Victor Von Vulture, and he hated living on Venus. The temperature was 864 degrees... Only 2,915 hours till sunset... Today's forecast mostly gassy [with a chance of sulfuric acid]. There cheese sandwiches were always way too gooey they had to drink their candy bars with straws and everybody's ice cream melted before they could even get one lick! So they decided to move to Earth where the eatin' was good. In chapter 4 everyone else in town was watching television the voodoo ray from outer space beamed down through the night sky. The strange signal was picked up by all the TVs in town.
The screens began to glow eerily as a strange voice came from the wicked signal. Soon, every mouse in the city was hypnotized. In chapter 5 they got up the next morning for breakfast, but no food. In chapter 8 they made some cookies with super red-hot chili peppers to the mix. In chapter 9 they all eat the cookies and robot crushed the remote controller. They save the city, but Victor Von Vulture had other plans. In chapter 10-12 they fought the voodoo vultures. They left in flew back to Venus.
Long story short the Victor Von Vulture to the Squeakyville Jail. The author and pictures biography said "Dav Pilkey created his first stories as comic books while he was in elementary school. In 1997, he wrote and illustrated his first adventure novel for children, The Adventures of Captain Underpants, which received rave reviews and was an instant bestseller-as were all the books that followed in the series. Dav is also the creator of numerous award-winning picture books, including The Paperboy, a Caldecott Honor Book, and the Dumb Bunnies books. He and his dog live in Seattle, Washington. It was a stroke of luck when Dav discovered the work of artist Martin Ontiveros. Dav knew that Martin was just the right illustrator for the Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot series. He also lives in Portland, Oregon. He has a lot of toys as well as two cats, Bunny and Spanky." In book 3 in February 2001. To go to the website is http://www.pilkey.com and http://scholastic.com/titles/rickyricotta/index.htm

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