The pages are p. 1-218 it starts on September, Monday and ends on December, Monday. The story starts out as Greg mom bought him another journal. I like this good book and it writing by Jeff Kinney. If you want to check out this book go to the library and pick it up.
Rodrick actually got ahold of my LAST journal a few weeks back, and it was a disaster. But don't even get me started on THAT story. He join the swimming team this summer. He got an award is Most Improved. His older brother was always a half hour late picking me up. And he wouldn't let me sit up front. He said the chlorine would ruin his seat, even though the van is something like fifteen years old. To not rodrick's durums hit his head.
On Tuesday he got to school no one around him at all because he got the cheese touch from LAST year. On Wednesday to help around the house. On Thursday his friend Rowley went everywhere in summer time he went to South America. He find a singer from Europe name Joshie. Speaking of foreign countries, today in French class, Madame Lefrere told us we're going to be choosing pen pals this year. His brother had a seventeen-year-old girl from Holland as his pen pal. Greg got Jem'appelle from Philippe. Next Wednesday his dad goes down to the furnace room after dinner to work on this miniature Civil War battlefield of his.
Next Saturday dad and Greg goes to the mall every Saturday for the past few weeks. Rodrick and his heavy-metal band practice in the basement on weekends. In October, Monday Chirag Gupta came back. He has pretended he was still gone. He got in trouble on Friday with Mr. Roy. On Sunday is Rowley's birthday party at the mall. He got a Sweet Secrets Diary for his birthday. He like his birthday party.
Long story short Rodrick told everyone what happend in summer. The author biography said "He is an online game developer and designer, and a #1 New York Times bestselling. In 2009, he was named one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England in 1995. Jeff lives in southern Massachusetts with his wife and their two sons." It said in the 2008 book 2. Their website is http://www.wimpykid.com/.
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